
a truck in your house?

These days my liking for wooden furniture pieces has grown, I'm very attracted to TRUCK for their simplicity + organic aesthetic.

Aren't they beautiful?


new dance steps for your next party~



I am in a state of elation! I'm glad to chance upon this online. A brief introduction on PAUMES, it's run by a tiny group of Japanese publishers, who work with artists + designers in Europe. Coming out with brilliant lifestyle photography, illustrations and concepts. Their first stop in Europe was the Land of Macaroons: Paris! Oui!  Peeping into the lives of modern Europeans: young Parisian folks' cribs, Swedish lady's kitchen, etc... They are inspiring. 

PAUMES guides are published in Japanese + English.

Paris Family Style Guide

Pâtisseries in Paris Guide

Stockholm's Kitchens Guide

From the folks in PAUMES: "The creative link which has been form between Tokyo and Europe is just at its beginning.." 
I'm looking forward for more!


i ♥ junior boys 4-ever.


goodness of 柚子.

picture shot with ricoh gx-100
my first cuppa yuzu-cha.

柚子 - Yuzu looks a bit like a very tiny grapefruit with an uneven skin, and its color can be either orange or green depending on the degree of ripeness. Yuzu may be used to make sweet jams (they are very aromatic!), garnish and fragrance. In Japan, bathing with yuzu is a popular custom. The whole fruits are added in hot bath, releasing citrusy aroma. Yuzu bath is said to guards against colds, warms the body, and relaxes one's mind. A tablespoon of yuzu syrup stirred into a cup of hot water makes a beverage called yuzu-cha, a herbal remedy for the cold and other winter illnesses. 


a band to listen to.

PHANTOGRAM is the duo comprised of Sarah D. Barthel and Joshua M. Carter of Saratoga Springs, NY. Their music is a mix of organic and electronic sounds, with swirling guitar, spaced-out synths, and chopped up samples and rhythms

let's have japanese food everyday~ ^.^

yesterday's dinner : ramen!



my lazy days in bali over the new year of 2010.

Passed by a vast rice padi field away from home. It was an eye opener for a city person like me. Rice is a daily staple in our diet, it was an awesome feeling for a first timer having able to look at the raw deal.

pictures shot with ricoh gx-100
Tanah Lot. Hindu Temple by the Sea.
At Echo Beach... I was a spy,
... a babysitter,
... a hungry customer,
... a thirsty customer,
... just someone who wants to witness a beautiful sunset in Bali.

ただ、君を愛してる : heavenly forest.

i ♥ ceramics.

ninainvorm loves ceramics and folklore arts. so do i. 
let me share with you a few of their stuffs, that have captured my ♥. 


all we need is just a little imagination and some paper.

muji x lego to create a new series of toys which combine lego’s plastic blocks with paper. the collaboration resulted in four play sets that feature a collection of lego bricks, paper and hole punching tools that allow the user to combine them together. brilliant!


urban decay preserved.

"I like doing more than just exploring these spaces and feel an obligation to animate and humanize [them] continually in order to preserve their memories in a creative way before they’re lost forever." - Miru Kim


god save the queen.

watch to put a smile on your face everyday.

